
POATE2024: Tourism Experts Call for a United Africa for Tourism Development

Munyonyo, Uganda

Journalist: Olatutu Balogun

Tourism experts are increasingly advocating for more robust collaborations within the industry, asserting that such partnerships are crucial for fostering growth, resilience, and sustainability. This consensus was prominently highlighted during a dinner gathering at the Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo, held recently at Speke Convention Centre in Munyonyo, Uganda.

Hon. Cuthbert Ncube, the Executive Chairman of African Tourism Board, underscored the necessity of unity in the sector and the need to implement great initiatives across Africa.

“In an increasingly competitive global market, our strength lies in our ability to work together, that’s why we are saying at ATB, lets implement. For instance AU passport initiative, a brilliant idea, but why is it taking so much time that we are not able to implement. We should resolve that in 2024 we want to see positive results”,he remarked.

Ncube further elaborated on how collaborative efforts could enhance marketing strategies, improve resource management, and create a more cohesive brand image for Africa as a premier tourist destination of which African Tourism Board has been achieving and will continue to advocate with other continental tourism boards, including the African Union Commission.

Hon. Alain St.Ange, former Minister of Tourism, civil Aviation, Ports and Mine for Seychelles, echoed an African travel pass sentiment, highlighting the benefits it could proffer by solving a major challenge. “We could do something for Africa to help Africa get to the next level and thats to have travel passes for Africa that is used by all Africans, and only Africans. That should not be difficult for us to do”, St. Ange submitted.

He believed that if Africans join forces, we will not only share our individual strengths but also learn from each other’s experiences. This he said would give us synergy that could lead to innovative solutions and improved tourist experiences. He emphasized that collaborative initiatives can help smaller destinations gain visibility and compete on a global scale referencing his native, Seychelles and other successful countries.

Ambassador Ikechi Uko, the Convener of the Akwaaba Africa Travel Market, also spoke passionately about the need for cooperation among Africans , tracing his involvement with other African individuals to proffer solutions to some of the challenges the continent faced, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. “I remember during the lockdown, l called my friends in Kenya, South Africa and other places, we were able to do another set of survey“.

He mentioned airlines’ operations saying “it is possible that all airlines could prosper like ET and be able to collect passengers and deliver them wherever because the future of our businesses is Africa of l.5 billion people. But if these obstacles stand before us, its because we have made no efforts”.

Uko further highlighted past successes where collaborative and joint efforts significantly boosted tourist arrivals and investment in some regions of Africa.

Also present at the dinner were prominent tourism experts within Uganda and outside among whom were: the CEO of Uganda Tourism Board, Ms. Lilly Ajarova; Chairperson of Uganda Tourism Board Ms. Pearl Hoareau-Kakooza; Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Uganda Tourism Board, Mr. Bradford Ochieng; ATB Global Ambassador, Mr. Didier Bayeye; Head of Sales and Marketing, Tribehotelsgroup, Mrs. Eva Mwangi; CEO, Bonfire Adventures, Mr. Simon Kabu; Director of Media and Communications, African Tourism Board, Amb. Kazeem Balogun and CEO of Travelogue Communications, Amb. Omotoso among others too numerous to mention.

The experts at the gathering emphasized that the future of African tourism depends significantly on the ability to work together, believing that collaboration is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity for survival and growth in the modern tourism landscape, of which Ncube passionately preached at the get together, urging stakeholders to commit to ongoing dialogue and partnership initiatives across the continent.

The dinner, attended by various stakeholders from across the continent, served as a platform for them to network and discuss strategies for strengthening intra-African tourism partnerships.

They explored ideas such as creating cross-border tourism packages, establishing regional tourism corridors, and leveraging digital platforms for joint marketing efforts and robust visa regime that will be sustainable.

The Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo, an annual event, aims to showcase Uganda’s rich cultural and natural heritage while fostering regional cooperation in the tourism sector. This year’s event, according to attendees, was particularly focused on addressing recovery of the tourism industry, with collaboration being a key theme.

The Dinner in Picture:

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